Our Dental Specialists
At Expert Dental Center we give you the best possible treatment and experience to help you
to achieve your dental goals we letest dentel technology

Dr. Ramy Rashad
Dr.Ramy Rashed has been in practice for More than15 years graduating from Misr university for sience and technology (MUST)
Post graduate studies from New york university(USA)
Member of international congress of oral implantology (icoi)
Member of arabic society for oral implantology (ASOI)

Dr. Ahmed Emad Salman
Dr Ahmed Emad Salman
BDS from Misr international university.

Dr. Christina Terrazy
Dr. Christina Terrazy BDS from Misr international university.

Dr. Menna Ashraf
Dr. Menna ashraf has gained bachelor of dentistry from Misr international university

Dr. Dolagi Nabil
Dr. Dolagi Nabil hes gained Bachelor degree in Dentistry from Misr International University.

Sara Tarek

Rania Maher

Carolin Happi

Michael Zarif
Specialist Dental Practice
Our dentists are committed to improving your general dental health and restoring your natural smile. We are a specialist dental practice also offering the best and most affordable dental implants for your oral health and rehabilitation. Make a FREE dental implants consultation and assessment for a personal treatment plan and meet our friendly and professional staff.